Tuesday, February 5, 2013

monthly goals; february.

let me open this post with my three thoughts about the Super Bowl:

one: Beyonce is awesome (duh).
two: that Bar Refaeli commercial? Yeah, yeah. I know. Nasty (especially the unedited version, although that kid sure had the time of his life, didn't he?). But what about the evil eye bracelet she is wearing? Anyone know where it is from? I am in love and I need it like now now now.
three: football is a very stupid sport. The end, sorry.

anyway. So. It's February 5th already, which is crazy and sad. But it also means I have to take a look back at my goals for last month (I mean, I don't have to have to, but I guess I want to).

{1} write for my novel every day -- check.

{2} read! For pleasure. -- check.

{3} worry less. -- check.

{4} improve my running speed. -- check.

I'm just the bee's knees, am I not? Kidding.

but seriously, this year is up to a pretty fabulous start. 

so what do I have in mind for February (which, by the way, gets so much hate, which I find totally unfair because February is my birthday month)?

{1} keep writing my novel. Every day.

{2} stop pulling out my hair (I am a self-diagnosed trichotillomaniac. Is that a real term?). Which I don't expect to really be able to do, but you know.

{3} go on five runs a week.

anddd...that's it? I guess I'm not really setting the bar high this month. Whatever, I'm a second semester college senior.

in other news, Homeland is the best show on television and can it come back on like now please?

1 comment:

  1. i didn't even watch the superbowl. i didn't even watch beyonce. the only part of the evening that interested me was when someone tweeted, "if you like it then you shoulda put a back-up generator on it."
    i laughed.
