so...October was an interesting month. I definitely had my ups and downs, but it was all for the best, I think. Things feel different now, within myself. Better. I'm definitely more at peace with myself and with the people in my life. I hope that this time it sticks, you know?
so how did I do last month (and also, does it terrify anyone else that it is already freaking November? What is going on? Where is the time going?)?
{1} keep working on my novel! -- check! Some days I did better than others, and I definitely didn't write every day, but I'm keeping at it. I faced some hurdles, mostly mental -- of the "you suck, your stuff is not even remotely good enough" kind -- but I want to power through. I know I can do this.
{2} write 3-4 freelance pieces -- maybe? I've seriously lost track at the moment. But I think I did accomplish this one!
{3} read A Casual Vacancy! Biggest J.K. Rowling fan, and not just because of Harry Potter. I think she's a brilliant writer. -- I'm about halfway through. It moves a lot, a lot slower than Harry Potter did, that's for sure, and although I was expecting no Harry Potter, I still enjoy her style of writing. But with school, work, more work, and more work, it's just hard to read an entire novel, especially one that's 500+ pages long.
{4} go out and party at least once a week. -- I think I might've had too much fun toward the end of this month. I need to learn to find a balance. It's important for my health (mental, physical). But I guess this one's a check!
{5} learn to sleep past 8 a.m. -- err...with the help of klonopin? Ugh.
{6} look into taking the GREs. -- yup! I even registered to take the test next semester. Can't wait to bomb the math section?
and as for my November goals...
{1} keep running! I've recently fallen in love with running, and I really hope to get better and faster. There's really no greater feeling than after you're done with a run...serious endorphins there.
{2} do well in school. I don't know why this has fallen down the wayside this semester...senioritis?
{3} write something for my novel every day...even if it's just a word. Just something.
{4} look into more (hopefully paid) freelancing opportunities.
{5} eat healthier.
{6} laugh more.
eeek sending your story TOMORROW...! promise :)