Tuesday, October 30, 2012


initially, I admit I scoffed at all the hype and paranoia, like, psh, it's not even gonna be that bad. 

now, I'm kind of terrified. I'm not saying this is Katrina, part II, but oh my God. I am far enough to the west that we are not getting the worst of it, not even by a long shot (although the wind and the rain have been kind of terrifying...we had a kiddie pool -- long story; don't ask -- on our porch that blew off onto the roof!), but I am so scared for some of my best friends in New Jersey, New York City, and Connecticut. 

yesterday I had to take a train from Albany back home here, and I am so so lucky that it was pretty much the only train up in the Northeast that wasn't canceled (seriously, an act of God). I was so happy to be back home to my puppy (and roomie Jessica). When I got home, after a long shower and an even longer nap, Jessica and I popped open some champagne, ordered a cookie cake (hurricane edition, I suppose, judging by the swirly frosting decoration?), and watched Shutter Island (how oddly appropriate). And then we fell asleep (although before that, I watched some Jersey Shore because I am a wuss and already suffer from insomnia and falling asleep to Shutter Island sounds like a terrible idea to me). 

my heart goes out to all the victims...this is really horrible.

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