Monday, October 1, 2012

my goals; october

so! It's October already! I have so many posts pending that I just can't wait to share (including a survey that Sarah tagged me in -- I will do it, I promise! I'm actually kind of flattered that I would be tagged in anything at all...I didn't think anyone read my blog), but but but...I am so overworked lately; the good kind of work, mind you, like freelancing assignments and working on my, erm, novel, which I am suddenly so into (it's making me so happy, guys), but also the sucky kind of work, like studying for a communications law exam which I may or may not fail...

anyway -- I suppose it's time for my new monthly goals. But first, I should see how I fared last month (answer: not good).

so, my September goals were:

{1} write at least five freelance pieces (two down already!), paid or not. It's always good for my portfolio. -- okay, so I got four down. Does that count? I think as a full time student and Vitality editor and part-time job-er, that's not so bad.

{2} get a job. -- yep!

{3} work on my strength and flexibility at gymnastics practice. I'm in terrible shape, gymnastics-wise at least, and I don't want to hurt myself again. -- long story short, I can't do gymnastics ever again. I will write about this later. I guess. Sore subject.

{4} learn to sleep past 8 a.m. (I used to be such a pro. What happened?) -- er, with the help of NyQuil...

{5} come up with a really good birthday gift to send to my sister because she deserves it (her birthday's in three days! Eek) -- I think it was pretty good!

{6} go out and party at least once a week. Sometimes it's such a drag getting myself out the door, but I never regret it. -- I think I did a decent job? I can do better.

{7} find the time to finish a book -- one that I read for pleasure, not a school textbook. -- ugh, oops.

{8} start taking photos again! And I don't mean instagram (@debbiele03, by the way) -- if I could find my camera battery. Boo.

{9} wrap up Vitality's next issue! -- well, the plan kind of changed (in a good way), so it's not my fault this didn't happen.

{10} find the courage to give someone that used to mean a lot to me a long overdue apology. I already did this to someone else earlier this year, and it is perhaps the best thing I have ever done. -- ugh, I'm too scared. But at least we had a sort of kind of interaction via Facebook for the first time in seven years, so that's a start?


So I don't think I did that great this month...oopsie. I'll make my goals more of a priority this month. I swear. 

so, in October, I want to: 

{1} keep working on my novel!

{2} write 3-4 freelance pieces

{3} read A Casual Vacancy! Biggest J.K. Rowling fan, and not just because of Harry Potter. I think she's a brilliant writer. 

{4} go out and party at least once a week.

{5} learn to sleep past 8 a.m. 

{6} look into taking the GREs.

aaaandddd...that's it. I guess I'm not going hard this month. Or maybe I've decided to finally stop overexerting myself.


  1. that's so much to focus on! i lose track if i have more than goal. hah. good luck man!

  2. I especially love "Go out and party at least once a week."

  3. still so curious about the whole vitality stuff! can't wait for your email. :)
