{1} never go off medication without a doctor's supervision, especially an anti-depressant. I learned this lesson the hard way. Twice.
{2} breaks are okay, sometimes good, even, as long as everyone agrees not to sleep with the girl from the copy store (Friends reference, anyone?).
{3} senioritis hits you in college, too, but you should really get over yourself, especially if you are thinking about going to grad school.
{4} I am a better writer than I think I am, so I should just keep writing.
{5} I will forever be unsatisfied with my nose if it is not pierced.
{6} it's okay to not be the best at everything. It's okay to not be the best at anything.
{7} even though I tend not to feel comfortable in group praying situations (e.g. synagogue, church, etc.), it's always good to find a quiet place to meditate or pray.
{8} the only thing really worth going broke for are experiences, such as traveling -- never material things.
{9} some people are just not worth getting aggravated over.
{10} exercise is good for the soul (running! Yoga!). Too much exercise is bad for the soul.
smart girl :)