Thursday, September 6, 2012

happy birthday, little one

it's my little sister Ariela's birthday.
I love her more than anyone in the world.
we were born into a batshit crazy family, so I can't even imagine what I would've done if she wasn't my sister.
she's 19, so not so little anymore.

and also, I wanted to say: Ariela, I'm sorry I always forced you to be the maid when we played house as little girls. That was kind of mean. You should've gotten a few turns as the mom, too.

p.s. not to toot my own horn on my sister's birthday or anything, but I wrote this guest post for lovely Jenny, and yeah. You should read it! (If you want too much information about the inner workings of my brain, that is)


  1. Happy birthday to your sister! Ariela is such a beautiful name.

    I read your post on Jenny's blog, and I wanted to say thank you for sharing your story. I know it's tough to share something this personal, and to be vulnerable to strangers who may read it. I think you're incredibly brave.

    1. aw thank you! I don't think I'm that brave :) And isn't Ariela the prettiest name? I definitely got the short end of the stick where naming was involved in my family ;)
