Tuesday, July 17, 2012

10 things to do when shit goes downhill

{10} spin your heart out at cycling class. And then when a personal trainer offers you a free body fat test at the gym, say thanks but no thanks.

{9} open up to a coworker. Make them feel better about their life. Why not? Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves.

{8} plan a vacation to Myrtle Beach. And then book it. On a whim.

{7} get a makeover; switch things up. Like: dye your hair a dark chocolate brown (check), and then get hair extensions (soon!). Also, meet your new favorite hairstylist.

{6} try to reconnect with old friends. What is there to lose? Make an effort to see friends. You have them for a reason, no?

{5} listen to "What Makes You Beautiful" on repeat. This one's embarrassing. Also, "Boston" on repeat. And I hate Boston.

{4} get Simba new toys, even though he's been bad.

{3} write write write write write your little heart out.

{2} realize you're actually kind of amazing...

{1} ...and that even though you may be in Queens at a vet emergency room at 2:00 a.m. (the mouse saga continues), other people still have it way, way worse. Case in point: the 11 year old German shepherd next to us that had to unexpectedly be put to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree with #2 any more!!! Is the pup okay???
