Monday, August 27, 2012

hello, lover

guess what? I'm back on the Syracuse gymnastics team, and I seriously couldn't be more excited. Not doing much at the moment -- trying to let my foot fully heal, yadda yadda -- but ooooh, how I missed the smell of chalk. Truly. Gyms just have such a distinct smell...I suppose you would know if you've ever been a gymnast, too.

today I got to meet some of the new girls on the team and they all seem very sweet.

I think it's going to be an amazing semester.

in other news, Simba got a haircut; unfortunately, his groomer went a little too snip-happy, and now he looks like a baby rat. Ew. But you know, hair grows.

I really want to get back into the swing of regular blogging...I guess that means I actually have to make an effort and all.

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