Thursday, July 26, 2012

the one where i am excited because erika will come to town

(truthfully, this should be "the one where I am excited because Erika is in Jersey and I will kill her if she doesn't come into the city and see me because I am lonely" but that is far too long, no?)

I had such a brilliant idea earlier today. I had the following conversation in my head:

"Wait, hold up!"
"I should name my blog posts after Friends episodes! You know, 'the one where __'"

obviously this wasn't such a brilliant idea, because it is never a brilliant idea to rip off a TV show that everyone else has gotten over except you (sorry. Still waiting for the 11th season). 

but do you see the irony there?


Erika is not only the future Chelsea-Handler-meets-Ellen-Degeneres (except, not a Jew or a lesbian) but also my best friend from high school (or, more like "my only friend from high school," mainly because I was too anorexic and weird to have very many friends back then. You know how it is in high school). Since my graduation three years ago (she is a year younger than me), we have been really bad about keeping in touch. In fact, we're horrible at it, which doesn't really make sense since we're both on Facebook and cell phones exist. But we have this sort of unspoken agreement that even when we don't talk in months, we will still be soul sisters until the day one of us kicks the bucket. It's a nice arrangement, really.

circa a really long time ago. Look how cool we thought we were! It's adorable. Kind of like when you think about Justin Bieber and you're like aww, I just want to pet him like a puppy (no? Just me?). 

Personally, I think the reason we are such good friends is because one time we had a sleepover and rented the movie The Quiet, which was so strange and disturbing that watching it was almost like signing a contract with blood - there's just no turning back from shit like that, you know? Like, after you've been through The Quiet, you can't not be friends (let this serve as a lesson to you all: never ever ever ever watch The Quiet under any circumstance; it's as binding as marriage in Saudi Arabia. Also, I could not look my dad straight in the eye for months).

are you guys excited for me? No? Whatever! I don't care. FRIENDS EXIST. Loneliness be gone.

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