Thursday, July 12, 2012

in which swarms of mice drive us out of the apartment

Simba and I are having a grand old time here at the Comfort Inn. Turns out the mice decided to take over and eat all my food (including my favorite Justin's peanut butter and dark chocolate cups AND my Peanut Butter Puffins. What the hell!) and SIMBA'S FOOD TOO. Which pissed me off. Because you can eat my food all you want, but you don't mess with my dog child. You just don't. They also shat on my roommate's pasta. Mmm.

This is what I call an infestation. Otherwise known as "the plague" and alternatively called "I'm going to sue the landlord" or "the landlord is going to get one big fat bill in the mail for my groceries and hotel room expenses and possible medical and veterinary bills that may come out of this."

disclaimer: I either write this or I cry. Also, I'm homeless. 

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