Tuesday, January 22, 2013

i am sick of being sick

like everyone and their mother, I am sick. I feel terrible, and on top of it, now I am really antsy too, having been cooped up at home for several days (ugh, I miss running!). So, to avoid sinking into a deep depression, the following is a list of reasons why life doesn't totally suck at the moment:

{1} I just recently reorganized my room at school, and I pretty much love it now. I suppose I'll share pictures when it's totally done.

{2} I've been reunited with Simba.

{3} I am about halfway done with my rough draft for my novel, and I am very excited about it.

{4} I have a pretty sweet schedule this semester: class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; work on Tuesdays. Every other day and time is mine to do as I please. Second semester senior year, #YOLO (I hate when people say #YOLO. Gross).

{5} I've been reading the Child 44 trilogy by Tom Rob Smith and it has blown my mind (and it's about Russia, duh).

{6} I am taking a fiction writing workshop! After nearly four years of taking nonfiction writing classes, this is, like, really exciting.

{7} I had a dream last night that I think was supposed to be, like, the next episode of Pretty Little Liars. It was pretty cool, actually. Spencer was on the "A" team (there's something sketchy about her, I swear) with Mona and Toby, and Alison was not dead, she'd just been kidnapped along with two African American twins. WEIRD. I guess I should be embarrassed that I have dreams about a teenybopper series, but you know, whatever.

{8} yesterday I realized that I have not cried in 2013. Which is a big deal, since I'm a huge baby. Yay me.

{9} snow is pretty.

{10} it's almost my birthday and I'm getting really excited about it.

1 comment:

  1. yay fiction writing workshops!

    sorry you're sick. everyone (EVERYONE) is so sick right now!
